Tuesday 10 December 2013

Halfway Vet Check

Time for the pups to have their first outing, albeit in a carry case. Sadly for both mums this trip included their annual vaccinations although neither seemed particularly fussed. Despite the trip being primarily arranged for the fawns to be checked over, as they are 5 weeks old now, the vet suggested that if we brought the black pups he'd check them too. The main things like breathing, heart, eyes, limbs, abdomen etc are all checked. Checking the hearing of the black pups wasn't done however as they are still deaf! The logistics of actually getting 2 litters of pups & 2 adult dogs successfully to the vets isn't something I'd recommend tackling. The good news was that all pups (& parents) are doing fine & developing well. Their 1st vaccinations are now booked & ready for just after Xmas.

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